Ah! At last the dotted line. Hopefully by now you have the physician employment contract in your hand. This section helps you understand a Physician Employment Contract (PEC) also called Physician...
View ArticlePhysician employment Benefits
Compensation as a physician employee consists of salary plus benefits. You need to know what benefits you can get before you begin negotiations. If the physician employer is not willing to raise the...
Welcome to the world of business. For us physicians, negotiating seems to be trivial, too downgrading a process reserved only for self centered people, selfish enough to ask what they want. WRONG!...
View ArticlePREDICTION on salary trends: Family Practice
There is a shortage of primary care. and it is going to get worse as the US population reaches 50 million. Number of physician visits are directly proportional to the population. As the population...
View ArticleThe art of physician job contract negotiations
WHO SHOULD NEGOTIATE? Most the medical residents or physicians shy away from negotiations during their physician job search and would want their lawyers to negotiate with the employer. But remember not...
View ArticlePersonal Finance for Medical Residents
Let’s take a break from ‘starting a medical practice series’. I will talk about what is personal finance and why medical residents should start taking financial responsibility ASAP. Here are the...
View ArticleStarting a Medical Practice: Learning Small Business
I was discussing this with a general surgeon yesterday. We both agreed that the biggest deficit physicians have is not ‘how to run a medical practice’ but ‘how to run a small business’. I...
View ArticlePartnership in medical practice: Pros and Cons
Every graduating medical student has dreamt of owning a medical practice. It is the ultimate goal of becoming a physician. Why do most, if not all physicians want to own their practice. There are...
View ArticleTiming your partnership in the medical practice
Many a times, an inexperienced physician is excited to find an offer of physician job where partnership is offered after the first year. Now just because he is going to become a partner aka owner of...
View ArticlePhysician Job Search: Tips and Advice
Since the physician job search is at its peak nowadays, I am posting a list of topics on physician job search, including physician employment contract etc. I hope summarizing them here will make it...
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